So I've had this headache off and on for the past month and a half or so. Sometimes it's nice enough to morph into a pounding migraine even. I've tried advil, sleeping more, cutting out caffeine, drinking more caffeine, tea, etc. I'm pretty sure it's just from being forced to spend every waking moment inside, inhaling the heat. I can't wait for spring. In the mean time though.... feel free to share any tips on getting rid of headaches!

Today was another one of those mornings where I could barely open my eyes, so I decided to suck it up and call in sick for the day. Which leaves me at home. Alone. I told myself I'll try to be productive at least and do some laundry or clean. That's not happening. Instead I've spent the last 3 hours playing around with wedding stuff. That being said, though, I was a little productive! I ordered all the paper for invites (see right) that we had mocked up at a local paper warehouse. I know we won't actually start cutting and assembling them for awhile still... it's nice to have another "check" in the wedding planning though! The color is a little crappy on that photo, because I took it with my phone, but it's a chocolate brown with dark orange and ivory/cream color.
Back to the real stuff though. I did get up and work out Monday morning, bright and early at 5 am. I'll be honest, I had to convince myself to get out of bed. My ankle has been swollen for a few weeks, so Jeremy convinced me to just bike for cardio instead of the treadmill like I prefer. It was so boring. I'm going back to the treadmill from now on. Maybe I'll just try and do a fast jog instead of a walk/run combo. I think it's the running that's really harming my ankle? I did not get up to work out this morning, so I might try and make it this afternoon. Otherwise I'll just suck it up and go Friday morning and once this weekend to make up for it. I am planning on doing my pilates this afternoon too!
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